Sunday, August 16, 2020

I Cry For America

I cry for my country because…

the America I grew up in is bitter

so many people in America prefer to feel victimized

but those who choose to feel victimized are ok with victimizing others

and those who never victimized are held responsible for those who did

many of those who never victimized, become victimized by their own false guilt

the more they victimize themselves, the greater kinship they feel with those others who they purportedly victimized vicariously in the past

and less connected to their own history

and begin to hate that history and every symbol of the past

and lose their way to the future, which can only be built upon the past

which contained successes that were accompanied by failures

which is the plight of all people in all times

even those who choose to feel victimized

or is it just me?

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