Sunday, August 16, 2020

I Cry For America

I cry for my country because…

the America I grew up in is bitter

so many people in America prefer to feel victimized

but those who choose to feel victimized are ok with victimizing others

and those who never victimized are held responsible for those who did

many of those who never victimized, become victimized by their own false guilt

the more they victimize themselves, the greater kinship they feel with those others who they purportedly victimized vicariously in the past

and less connected to their own history

and begin to hate that history and every symbol of the past

and lose their way to the future, which can only be built upon the past

which contained successes that were accompanied by failures

which is the plight of all people in all times

even those who choose to feel victimized

or is it just me?

Monday, August 3, 2020

Who Am I, Anyway?

I’m a New York Jewish Virgin Islander who knows how to SCUBA dive, sail, shoot, and identify birds.  

An Orthodox Jew of Chasidic tendencies who lives in a dati leumi (Israeli Modern Orthodox) community in Judea (Israel), which is long and narrow just like the island of St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, where he grew up.

Rode a motorcycle and played football in high school in the Caribbean, and used to sneak onto cruise ships for the smorgasbord, including the Queen Mary, the United States, and the Rotterdam.  

Studied Religion, Philosophy, History, Birds, Lizards/Amphibians, Insects, Botany (including lichens) in college, and earned a Master’s degree studying Bald Eagles in the Chesapeake Bay.  

Learned to doven for the amud (lead prayers), leyn (read from the Torah, kind of), chant a haftarah (readings from the Prophets), and blow shofar (as well as a conch shell).

A certified and licensed massage therapist.  

Learns (in a manner of speaking) gemara (Talmud), chumash (Bible), navi (Prophets), machshava (Jewish thought), chasidus (the teachings of the followers of the Baal Shem Tov).  
Can take things apart and put things together, install electric fixtures, tune automobiles, change the oil, and change tires.  Can paint, cook, clean and do laundry.  

Loves to make jokes, play scrabble, eat good food and drink good wine, beer, scotch whiskey, and rum. And sing.  And laugh. And hike, and jump into cold mountain springs.  And plant tomatoes.  

Has two rabbinical sons, one personal trainer daughter ( because of whom he works out almost daily) and seven amazing grandchildren (with two more on the way), and outstanding daughters/son-in-law.  And a partner in life who is the best-natured person imaginable. 

Politically conservative but formerly liberal, believing in  the goodness of America, the mission and responsibility of Am Yisroel, return to the Land of Israel, and the guiding hand of God.  

Fascinated by Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War, and Quantum Physics.  

Is a pretty good shot with a pistol and can make a respectable showing with a shotgun at trap shooting.  

A guy who can figure things out.  Likes people, within reason, but likes his time alone to think and assimilate.  Cares deeply about things and has a hard time deflecting negative energy.  Prone to depression.  Strong sense of right and wrong.  Believes in self-reliance and not expecting others to take up the slack.  Never does anything wrong (ha ha), but is harder on himself than anyone else.  

Loves seeing people develop their own independence . Loves his friends but doesn’t hate his enemies.  Yet is easily irritated.  Can’t tolerate a dirty kitchen but sees no point in making his bed. Reaches out to those truly in need to the extent that his nature allows, in a way that preserves their dignity. 

And it is, most certainly, just me.